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Further Education and Training Certificate: Electrical Engineering

Our programmes are designed to assist with the development of your learning programme in line with the qualification. The learning programme is divided up into a number of learning blocks:

Consecutive days of facilitation which deal with a cluster of unit standards. This ensures that the correct amount of facilitation (notional hours) and work place experience is allocated to each cluster of unit standards/block of training. 

Unit Standards consists of a number of credits. Credits are the number of notional hours required for achieving the learning outcomes. Notional hours include study time, assisgnments, on job training and assessments

On completion of course, learner should be able and not limited to:

  • Understand basic electrical and mechanical engineering principles 

  • Maintain, test and repair AC machines and control gear 

  • Issue certificate of compliance for a domestic/commercial/industrial installation

  • Fault find a medium voltage reticulation system

  • Inspect, test and maintain 3-kV DC regeneration equipment in traction sub-stations

Electrical Engineering
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